วันอังคารที่ 16 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556

aquaponic greenhouse system - Greenhouse Aquaponics

In the last few years, hydroponics has been much talked about as the revolutionary method of growing plants. In this method, crops are not planted in soil but are grown primarily with the use of water. Indeed, the resulting crops from this newly popular gardening method are said to be bigger, tastier and more nutritious than those grown through traditional methods.

However, there are a few issues that have been raised regarding the true performance of hydroponics. For instance, this method is not suitable for year-round farming in many places, particularly those that go through harsh winters or that have very cold weather all throughout the year.

No matter how efficient the hydroponics method might be, all gardening will need to stop when the weather gets too cold for the plants to survive. On the other hand, the natural climate will make no difference for gardeners that use the greenhouse aquaponics system since they will be cultivating their plants in an enclosed environment where the temperature, humidity and other factors will all be under control.

One of the main concerns about greenhouse aquaponics is the considerably larger cost of setting up the system. First, the greenhouse structure will have to be constructed, which would cost a considerable amount especially if you are interesting in putting up a fairly large garden. Then it will take up to six months for the system to stabilize, which means that you won't be experiencing any revenues from your investment for half a year.

Despite these issues, it has been repeatedly proven that greenhouse aquaponics does prove to be the more profitable method in the long run. In addition to the larger, healthier and tastier crops that you can harvest, you can also generate income from the sales of fish, which you will be rearing along with your plants.

Besides, in aquaponics, you would not have to buy commercial nutrients or fertilizers for your plants because your plants will be obtaining all the nutrients that they need from the fish waste, which costs absolutely nothing at all.

Aquaponics relies mostly on fish wastes to grow plants, and this causes many people to speculate regarding the possible spreading of disease from all those bacteria that are present in the waste products. However, this seems to be an unfounded fear as there has been no incidence of disease or parasite infestation from aquaponics.

On the contrary, there is practically zero risk of plant damage due to pests such as insects and bugs, which is very common in traditional soil-based gardening methods. Of course, this does not erase the fact that there is a lot of work required in order to set up a successful aquaponics system. Thus, if you do not have the time or the patience, this may not be the best method for you to use. But if you are willing to put in the work and can wait for a few months before getting the rewards for your efforts, then you can be sure that greenhouse aquaponics will give you the best crops that you can grow.

Click To Read More About aquaponic greenhouse system

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