aquaponics system layout - What Is Aquaponics and Can It Work For You?
What is Aquaponics and Can It Work For You
Do you want to grow your own vegetables? Would you like them to be free of chemicals and preservatives? Would you like them to be totally organic? Would you like all this without the hard work of digging the ground and preparing the soil? Only having to do the minimum fuss and yet have the best vegetables you and your family would really enjoy, without the high cost price of Organic vegetables that we all pay for? Well there is a way, and that way is with Aquaponics!
Aquaponics is a revolutionary way of growing plants. It's where Aquaculture and Hydroponics have been blended together. The problem with Hydroponics is that you still use chemicals and fertilizers. This is not what you call totally natural, and thereby not totally organic!
An Aquaponic System however is totally natural. It's where you have a container set up with fish, keeping the water correctly oxygenated, and a separate layout for the plants which is fed with the water from the fish tank. But that's not all it does, the plants in turn then clean the water for the fish. This creates great conditions for the fish to develop in, making the total process a great Eco System in effect. It's the excrements from the fish that supplies totally natural nutrients for the plants.
So basically then, that's Aquaponics! This can be done on a low or high scale. You can produce a small amount of vegetables, herbs etc with a smaller setup using smaller fish. On the other hand you can do it on a larger scale with a large amount of vegetables, or even larger vegetables with larger fish. Basically, there's no limits. Only what suites you!
So the next big question is "Can It Work For You"? The answer then is definitely, Yes! You see, this is a system that can deliver many advantages:
1. Because, in the comfort of your own home, you will grow your own vegetables, and that will keep you independent from the market!
2. Because you only need a place inside the house or garage to place your fish tank, you will be making great use of your space!
3. Because you will no longer have to dig the ground and plant seeds outside, bending over again and again to pull weeds and pick veggies, there will be less stress and more comfort for your body! In fact you won't need land at all, unless you want to extend or do it all on a larger scale!
4. Because you will also have fish. Perhaps for cooking, perhaps for décor, or just to keep that natural fertilizer going for the benefit of the plants!
This makes it by far, the safest and most convenient type of gardening in existence. So why don't you try it now, and you will be convinced that the future of gardening is, aquaponics!
Written by Ian C Koch
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