วันพุธที่ 17 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556

organic garden containers - Organic Gardening Container - A Primer

Organic container gardening is not really a very difficult task. Obeying mother natures laws when you grow your own herb plants, house plants or flower bulbs is really very simple. The most difficult part is starting off with organically sound materials. A lot of the herbs, vegetables or fruits you might want to grow organically are already infected with pesticides and or toxins. What you can do is grow directly from and organic seed. That way you know exactly what happens to your protégés in your containers. This way of tending an organic container garden is one of the best ways to really grow biological. Here are some tips I can offer you to start growing your own healthy ecological sound plants as a window box garden, or as outside patio containers. There are many suppliers of organic seeds on the market.

Getting it together and setting the Priorities

Containers them selves are not the problem. It's possible to use just about anything that can hold soil or water as a gardening container. Just make sure it doesn't contain toxic's. Your first priority therefore is the soil. This is the basis for your organic container garden. It is the foundation on which you build. Make sure you start out with a high quality organic and rich soil with an open structure. If you are into composting or even better have your own composter you should have no problems with creating a great soil where all your plants will flourish. In such environment your plants or flowers will get enough nutrients from the compost to make additional chemical nutrients unnecessary. Composting is a great way of recycling your kitchen waste, you can visit our site for more information on the subject.

Chances are that you are not in the position to do your own composting, don't worry there are perfect alternatives available in most organically oriented nurseries. They have all the mulches and composts available you will need. One thing to watch out for is a possible contamination with unwanted weeds or pests.

Selecting your seedlings

Since you are growing from seed you can pick out the best and most strong seedlings yourself. Healthy strong plants are the best for to start with organic container gardening. Strong plants make good crop, strong herbs a tasteful addition to your organically grown vegetables. Don't try to grow different types of plants in one container. Sometimes its possible but more often than not the competition of the different species will make them both weaker. Spending their energy struggling for the nutrients and space in your container.

Be on guard for unwanted pests and other impurities. They are the constant threats to your organic container gardening project. Perhaps your herb and flower seeds are of great quality the soil is perfect but if insects, or snails get a hold of your carefully grown flower box garden you have a problem. A problem that can even get completely out of control when insects lay their eggs in your window box garden.

Pests, nasty insects and how to deal with them

If in spite of all your precautions you become a victim to such a pest organic pesticides can sometimes help. But even more important is your imagination. Try to mimic nature. So you can also put foil collars around your pots in order to keep the worms out. And be very friendly to ladybugs. These creatures will eat away a lot of nasty insects that come near your plants. An other option is sticky traps to defend your small garden against flying insects. If you look around you will find many more possibilities to successfully ward these attacks off.

Enjoy the journey and discover more about natures complex workings

Organic container gardening is not difficult, and when you follow the basics you will enjoy a flourishing little garden. Time and experience will help you with more difficult projects and the development of green fingers.

Click To Read More About organic garden containers

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