aquaponics system aquarium - Do-It-Yourself Aquarium Aquaponics Benefits
Aquaponics is a new trend in growing plants combined with the concept of aquaculture. It has become significantly popular over the years primarily due to the benefits of sustainable food production. The entire concept is actually based on naturally occurring relationships of two organisms, which in this case, are the fish and the plant. As said earlier, it is also classified as a hybrid of the traditional aquaculture, or the raising and growing of fish and other marine animals, and hydroponics, or plant cultivation using water instead of soil. The entire relationship and environment is then referred to as symbiotic.
One of the notable problems in aquaculture is the fact that a buildup of effluents will eventually happen in the untreated and unprotected water. If this happens, the toxicity level may rise and eventually poison and kill the fish. But with the aquarium aquaponics system, the by-products of aquaculture are filtered by the plants, since they consider the effluents as nutrients and food. And when the water is cleaned and filtered, the environment becomes more conducive to the fish. Hence, one can say that aquaponics is actually a combination of aquaculture and hydroponics.
With a do-it-yourself aquarium aquaponics tank, you get something that is easy to maintain and build, since it is highly compact and very convenient to use. The integrated and natural system for growing fish and then nourishing plants in the process is quite popular nowadays and that is mainly because of the inherent sustainability feature. The process starts when the water from the fish tank circulates through the plant bed where the plants are situated and grown. In return, the system utilizes the fish waste products as food for the plant while the bacteria produced in the plant bed will convert nitrites into nitrates, which of course is the staple nutrient for the plants. So where can the fish benefit? The answer is simple: the plants will give back something positive in return by filtering and cleaning the water so that the fish gets a healthy, clean, and conducive living environment.
Additionally, the aquarium aquaponics tank is described as a closed system that utilizes the plants and the manner they grow, the purpose of which is to clean and filter the water in order for the fish to flourish. Hence, the water inside is basically subjected to a cycle and the same is reused through the natural filtration process. And as a result, the owner may only need to seldom refill the tank in order to make up for the lost amount during the evaporation and transpiration process.
Main Benefits and Advantages of Aquarium Aquaponics System
· Easy and Convenient Setup · Compact System That Doesn't Need Space · Minimal Use of Water · Little Use of Chemicals · Lesser Running Costs · Easy and Effortless Maintenance Needs · Consistent Fish and Plant Output · Cost Effective · Healthy and Natural Source of Fish and Vegetables · Nature Friendly
Finally, when building your own aquarium aquaponics, you can opt for plants that are perfect for grow beds and the list includes green leafy vegetables, i.e. lettuce, cucumbers, and even tomatoes. For the fish species meanwhile, you can go for bass, golden perch, murray cod, and many more.
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