organic vegetable gardening in south florida - Organic Fruit and Vegetable Boxes
Organic fruit and vegetable boxes are gaining in popularity as consumers become increasingly alarmed by the dangers of pesticide residue. Organic fruit and vegetable boxes are not available in every place, but some places have wonderful programs that accept standing orders.
In London, organic fruit and vegetable boxes are delivered weekly. It's a great way to get nutritional organic fruit and vegetables without relying on a local market. A typical box delivered in May might contain fresh organic fruit and vegetables such as broad beans, carrots, cauliflower, celery, lettuce, loquats, onions, pears, potatoes, radishes, rhubarb, spinach, and tomatoes.
London organic fruit and vegetable boxes offer families a range of fresh organic fruit and vegetables. Box contents change from week to week, and from season to season. Organic fruit and vegetables that are at their peak locally are chosen. If certain produce cannot be grown locally, imported organic fruit such as bananas, for example, are included.
London organic fruit and vegetable boxes are sold according to family size. Small boxes of organic fruit and vegetables suit a couple; medium boxes feed 3 people; large boxes feed 4.
Customers simply go online and order the size of organic fruit and vegetable boxes they want. They may then add extra organic fruit and vegetables. They tell how many weeks they want to receive boxes, and give a name and address. The boxes are delivered automatically as many weeks as they wish.
Some organic fruit and vegetable box shippers in Great Britain include the option of organic items such as eggs, cheese, jam, and salmon.
After finding 7 London organic fruit and vegetable boxes, we found many more throughout England, Scotland, and Wales.
Other Organic Fruit and Vegetable Programs
The organic fruit and vegetable boxes of Great Britain are not alone in offering shipment of organic fruit and vegetables. Other companies are also providing fresh organic fruit and vegetables with the convenience of delivery. Many offer weekly or bi-weekly deliveries that you can start, stop, or hold at any time.
Organic fruit and vegetable boxes may contain a vegetable or organic fruit that you have never prepared. Most of these companies take that into consideration, and offer online recipes. Some organic fruit and vegetable box delivery companies also invite subscription to a regular newsletter.
Here are a few organic fruit and vegetable box shippers we found in other English-speaking countries. This is not meant to be an exhaustive list.
1. Australia: Organic fruit and vegetable boxes in Australia and New Zealand make it easier for customers in the country areas to have fresh organic produce, even if they themselves can't engage in organic gardening. We found regular delivery of organic fruit and vegetable boxes in Perth and western Australia - in Melbourne and Victorian areas - and in the Sydney area.
2. Canada: from British Columbia eastward to Ontario and beyond, many Canadians also enjoy home delivery of organic fruit and vegetable boxes. We found a great place in Ontario that named their box sizes, small to large: Harvest, Family Harvest, and Super Harvest. Like others, their box contents change weekly due to seasonal changes, but you can visit their website to hear what's in your box ahead of time. If you don't like an organic fruit or vegetable that's scheduled, you can make substitutions. Another great option offered by the same company is the opportunity at sign-up to indicate items you never want to receive!
3. New Zealand: Organic fruit and vegetable boxes from Auckland are delivered across New Zealand's North Island in a plan similar to those found in Great Britain and Australia. On New Zealand's South Island, customers can order organic fruit and vegetable boxes from shippers in Nelson and the Canterbury area. A 5-year old in the Nelson, New Zealand area summed up the fun of getting surprise organic fruit and vegetables in a box each week: "I like your veggies that come in the box. Thank you." Lara.
4. United States: Organic fruit and vegetables from Texas are available online for shipment to various parts of the U.S. On most websites, you type in your zip code to see if delivery is available in your area. Organic fruit and vegetable boxes from Texas feature a wide variety of produce. Climate makes these boxes available year round. Organic fruit and vegetable boxes from California, Oregon, and Florida are also plentiful. You can find shippers that ship to all 48 contiguous states, usually with next-day delivery.
If you are a member of a group that would like to help a family in need, you could arrange weekly delivery of organic fruit and vegetable boxes to the home or office. To be truly helpful, do it anonymously.
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