organic garden compost - Organic Gardening Compost
What is Composting?
Composting is the process of combining organic matters,under controlled conditions, and allowing the raw components to convert into humus (decomposing materials). The decomposition of compost is a slow but continual process.
Benefits of Composting
Organic garden composting is good for the environment since less waste is added to the landfills, it saves you money, adds high quality nutrition to your soil, protects the manure from loss of nutrients, eliminates the need to buy commercial fertilizers, improves the structure of your soil, adds to moisture retention and can protect plants from certain types of diseases.
Types of Composting
Cold, slow or passive composting is when the compost pile is turned very seldom, or not turned at all. This allows some decomposition to occur without the aid of oxygen.
Hot, fast or active composting is when the compost pile is turned often providing oxygen and high temperatures allowing composting to occur relatively quickly.
Sheet composting is the process of continually adding layers of un-decomposed organic matter on top of the existing compost pile. Each new layer is then worked into the compost.
To create a healthy balanced compost pile you need 25-30:1 ratio of carbon to nitrogen, also referred to as the C/N ratio. With too high carbon content decomposition is slow and nitrogen is depleted. With too high nitrogen content your compost pile will give off unpleasant odors and may become polluted.
Three Necessities to Composting
Green Organic Materials which are generally high in nitrogen. These can include left over rinds, cores and peelings from fruits and vegetables, coffee grounds, food scraps and other than meat.
Brown Organic Materials are generally high in carbon. These can include saw dust, grass clippings, dead leaves and branches. Twigs and branches should be rendered as small as possible for speed of decomposition. Eggshells, bone meal or wood ashes will provide calcium and potash. Use grass clippings sparingly as they can mat when wet and create water barriers.
Moistureis necessary to speed up the decomposition process. The balance of moisture is also important since too much water will reduce the amount of oxygen and deplete the nutrients in the pile. Keep your compost pile moist, not dripping wet.
Where to Begin
Start by finding the proper location for your composting pile. Look for a spot that provides good drainage. If this is not possible, begin with a layer of sand or gravel thick enough to prevent puddles from developing. Neither the height nor width of your compost pile should be less than 3 feet or more than 6 feet for the best control of heating temperatures. The type of composting container you use is not too important.
Next collect your brown materials, as mentioned above, and create the first layer. Shredded leaves, branches, and other brown materials will help with decomposition. Add a layer of green materials, on top of the brown layer, and sprinkle on some evenly distributed water. Create new layers every few days making sure the compost remains moist at all times.
Every few days turn your pile from the outside in. This will allow excess moisture to release and promote proper heating. Turning the pile also allows for aeration which is necessary for promoting decomposition. You can create air passages by inserting sticks in various parts of the pile to make holes.
If you are not using a bin for your compost, cover the pile with hay or straw to help control temperatures.
Materials to Avoid Using
Dog or cat feces, meat scraps, fatty food materials, and any materials containing pesticides or other contaminators.
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