วันพุธที่ 17 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556

organic garden miracle - Organic Garden Soil - Watch Where You Step

Every gardener loves to walk through and admire the plants they are growing in there organic gardens, just be careful where you step. Soil is full of life, and treating that life with the respect will create a relationship between you and the soil that can be very rewarding.

Compaction is a problem with garden soil that many overlook, and it can be avoided with a couple simple steps, over tilling being one and excessive walking in areas that plant life is growing. With a little simple planning before you start your garden, you can layout your plantings so there is easy access around them so you don't have to climb through them, and put together a plan for an organic soil management system that will allow the life in the soil to do the work of tilling for you naturally, along with improving the soils structure and supplying the nutrients to plants that they need to thrive.

I'm not exactly sure how I would describe how what happens under our feet naturally with organic garden soil, a miracle, magic, or a mystery. All I know is that it does amaze me how nature can do such a superb job with not really that much to work with. Treating your gardens soil with a little respect and supplying it with the organic matter it needs will bring on a whole new outlook on what nature can really do for you in improving the soil that plants grow in, and it is for real, not a miracle, magic or a mystery.

Over tilling your gardens soil can do more harm than good, along with trying to work the soil when it is too wet. It can destroy a gardens soils structure and do harm, if not kill off the natural organisms that live in it and work so hard to improve soil naturally. Till your gardens soil only when you need to, make sure it is for a purpose, like the mixing of organic matter into the existing soil, breaking up a crusted surface, losing areas to be planted or weed control, and never till soil when it is wet.

Tilling wet soil is another way to harm it's structure by causing compaction. The pore spaces between the soil particles collapse, and without pore space water penetration becomes very difficult. Permeability and porosity are very important in a healthy organic garden soil structure.

Click To Read More About organic garden miracle

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