วันพุธที่ 17 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556

aquaponics system parts list - What Can You Grow in an Indoor Aquaponics System?

An indoor aquaponics system can be used to grow all sorts of plants from flowers to vegetables. The beauty of this simple system is that you can have your set up as big or as small as you like, you can also make it look pretty or give it the organic, rural look.

I have seen some amazing looking indoor aquaponics systems that grow both flowers and vegetation and they are very impressive to behold. The flowers add decoration, while the vegetables save you money on your grocery bill.

A simple system like this is really easy to set up and the parts list is very small and inexpensive, consisting of a fish tank, an under tank filter, some pipes and of course your plant pots. The simple indoor aquaponics system works by the filter pulling water out of the fish tank and removing any solid waste, this poop free water is then sent through pipes and onto the plants via either an overhead holed pipe, or by flowing through the media beds of your plants.

The plant media cleans the water while removing the nutrients that your plants need, the crystal clear water is returned back to the fish by using the power of gravity. So it is vital when setting up your indoor aquaponics system that your lowest set of grow beds is higher than your tank so that the water can flow back into it. The whole cycle is then repeated.

Another worry about aquaponic gardening is how the food tastes. Well I can put your mind at rest here and tell you that it tastes great. You know when you get something really fresh and it explodes with flavour in your mouth, well that is the best way I can describe the taste of your aquaponic vegetables.

Depending on how much space you have allocated to your set up I find that a mixture of vegetables that grow underground and some nice bright flowers is a good combination because you cannot see the not so pretty veg but the flowers add great decoration and aroma to your room.

The great thing about a set up like this is that you can have your plants on a shelving unit at the height that suits you, this is brilliant for harvesting because the crop is at a good height so there will be no more gardeners back ache.

Back to the original question though, what can you grow in an indoor aquaponics system? The answer is anything you want to.

Click To Read More About aquaponics system parts list

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