วันพุธที่ 31 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556

aquaponics trout system - Build Aquaponics Instead: How the System Changed the Industry

Aquaponics is generally defined as the perfect and ideal combination of aquaculture and hydroponics, two proven methods of sustainable production of fish and plants respectively. But to build aquaponics, what you get is two times the convenience and sustainability because you actually integrate two systems in one. Therefore, you will be producing fish while growing plants without the need and use of soil. While aquaculture and hydroponics have been thriving for so many years, what aquaponics has to offer is quite intriguing and interesting at the same time.

Aquaponics works through the concept of balance and natural cycle. What happens is that waste coming from the fish naturally becomes the organic food for the plants. The plants meanwhile become the natural filter for the water, cleaning the same in the process so as for the fish to survive and thrive. But aside from the fish and plants, the other vital participants are microbes and red worms. These two thrive and live best in the system and they are responsible for converting poisonous ammonia into nitrites. The nitrites become nitrates and they are good food for the plants.

So why do you have to switch to build aquaponicsinstead of the traditional soil-based planting? Here are the pertinent drawbacks of soil gardening:

· Needs more water

· Prone to various soil-based insects

· Needs more physical effort in digging the soil, planting, and bending

· Requires the use of fertilizer

Now the above drawbacks can be solved by using hydroponics instead. But then again, even hydroponics has its own flaws and problems that are not present when you decide to build aquaponics systems instead. For instance, the usual and traditional hydroponics system is heavily dependent and reliant on the use of man-made and very expensive nutrients. Hence, there is the utilization of salts, chemicals, and various trace elements. But when you build aquaponics, all you have to spend on is affordable fish food. Additionally, you may need to carefully monitor different factors in your hydroponics system and that includes the water's pH level and others. But in aquaponics, you only have to check the ammonia and pH levels occasionally and let the entire system sustain and maintain itself.

Changing the Industry

Because of the high level of sustainability and effectiveness of aquaponics systems, it has dramatically changed the trend of growing vegetables and plants at home. Because there is the possibility of growing fish and plants in one system, more and more people are trying and embracing it. Generally, to build aquaponics systems, you can grow tilapia, trout, and other fish species while having plants to grow at the same time. Aquaponics don't use that much water in the process of maintaining and growing vegetables. Also, there is no use of soil and fertilizers.

With aquaponics, you can establish and maintain a good and abundant source of vegetables and fish for consumption. You can grow tomatoes, cabbages, lettuce, herbs, and many other edible plants and veggies for a whole year of consumption.

Click To Read More About aquaponics trout system

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