วันพุธที่ 31 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556

organic vegetable gardening in south africa - Using Organic Vegetable Garden Seeds

Some people may think that organic vegetable gardening is just a fad or a fashion, but organic gardening does a lot of good for your garden. It is more difficult to maintain, but it is better for your soil, for your plants and for optimum growth of vegetables that you would hopefully eat. One of the reasons we would most probably be eating vegetables is to maintain good health, but this would be a contradiction by adding chemical sprays and fertilizers that are not organic. An organic garden vegetable straight out of your garden is an awesome sight.

After you have prepared your organic vegetable garden soil, added manure and compost according to organic guidelines you can start planting your organic vegetable seeds. There are so many varieties that are now available. You can now order them online. I order different kinds of organic lettuce which come directly from Italy and they are so tasty and produce huge heads of lettuce.

You can either start growing your seeds outside or indoors. Seeds grown indoors do really well, especially in cooler climates, but make sure there is plenty of lighting. place them next to a window. You would plant them in the normal way you would plant any seed in containers. Just refer to the packet as to how far you should plant them and the type of soil to use. It is important not to over water your seeds. To see that they have enough water rest your finger on top and if it is damp then everything is fine.

When the seeds start to sprout then you can transfer them into another container until they are big enough to plant into your vegetable bed.

There are organic sprays available on the market and you could also practice companion planting which would help get rid of nasty bugs.

Click To Read More About organic vegetable gardening in south africa

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