วันพุธที่ 17 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556

organic vegetable gardening edis - 3 Tips to Help You Write Your Own Ebook

Creating an eBook requires some work and planning but can pay off in many ways. The most common reason that I hear for not writing an ebook, or any book for that matter, is "I don't have anything to say that people want to read about." The next most common concern is that they will spend all that time and effort and no one will want it. Lastly, they really don't know where to start so they don't bother trying.

If you have ever thought about writing your own eBook but have stopped yourself for any reason, then these tips may be just what you need to get you started.

1. Keep a note book handy and write down ideas as they come to you. Writing them down on paper (yes, low-tech paper) gives them more substance. Remember to just write what comes into your head. Don't edit or censor yourself, just write. You'll be surprised at what ideas you have rattling around in there. Remember to keep this to yourself. If you fear that someone may ridicule your thoughts and ideas then you will most likely not write them down.

2. Review what you have written, pick a topic or niche and research it on the web. Do searches and find out what is out there already. If there is lots of stuff , GREAT, it means people are looking for information! This means there is a market. If you think there is too much competition then think about narrowing the focus of your book. For example if your topic is gardening, you'll find LOTS of competition - 85,000,000 (85 million) related sites on Google - definitely too much. So, narrow your focus. For example you could look at organic vegetable gardening. There are only 325,000 related sites. That's great.

3. Practice first with articles. This serves three purposes. You can try out the popularity of your topic by writing a few articles and posting them to good article sites that have a category for your topic. This way you can practice your writing skills on small projects. You can also gauge the popularity of your article by the stats provided by the article site on the number of view, downloads, rating and comments. You can use the comments to improve your writing skills and learn from your mistakes. In addition to practicing writing, gauging the popularity of your topic, the articles can be used as part of your ebook.

Any one can write a eBook if they are willing to put in the time. What will your eBook be about?

Click To Read More About organic vegetable gardening edis

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