mini aquaponics system aquarium - Aquaponics Is the Next Generation Name for Home Garden
We have all heard of vegetable farms, kitchen gardens and purchased vegetables from the grocer's stores and heard about The Garden of Arden. At some point of life most of us might have practiced vegetable farming, be it in the home garden or portable pots but I presume most of us have not tried Aquaponics yet. Aquaponics is a recent invention in the field of gardening and shall become another name for home gardens in the days to come.
What is Aquaponics?
Aquaponics is the combination of hydroponics and aquaculture. Hydroponics is the method of cultivating plants in water or sand without the use of soil. Aquaculture is the farming of fish. Aquaponics is the cultivation of both fish and plants side by side. Fish is kept in an aquarium. The water consisting of the toxic discharge by the fish is sent to the hydroponic system through a pipe, where the plants utilize it to derive their food. The water becomes free from toxics and is sent back to the aquaculture system.
Vegetables can be grown in multiplexes
All types of vegetables thrive in the Aquaponics system. Cucumber carrots, cabbage or capsicum any vegetable can be grown inside your house. Aquaponics can be practiced both, indoors or outdoors. No land is required and this reduces the cost drastically especially, in cities and towns where land for gardening is hardly available. People living in multiplexes can also grow their vegetables.
Aquaponics gives you fresh and organic vegetables
Since the plants derive their nutrients from the fish manure, no chemicals or pesticides are required. This means you get fresh and organic vegetable for your lunch or dinner. You do not need to pay high prices or even visit the Grocers store. These self produced vegetables involve no packaging, grading, branding and marketing, which are the reasons for the increment in the prices of commodities in stores.
Saves water time and energy
All you need is a constant supply of food for the fish. Time consuming and laborious cleaning of the aquarium is also reduced. The plants derive the nutrients from the water containing the organic waste of the fish. Most of the cleaning is done by the plants. The water becomes clean and is supplied back to the aquarium. It saves a lot of water too.
Easy availability of kits of different sizes
Aquaponics kit can be easily purchased from nurseries, gardening stores or via internet. Kits are available in different sizes from large aquariums, to be used in porches or mini ones for indoor arrangements. The flowering bed too can be a large tank or just a large bucket. Other necessary equipment is provided in the kit along with related information and instruction.
Relaxation of mind
Aquaponics gives an ultimate experience of staying close to nature in the clustered and chaotic cities. The joy of eating self-cultivated food is immense and no exotic dinner at any restaurant could ever fulfill it. It creates a peaceful green environment and gives relaxation to the mind. It can prove to be a treatment for many diseases which owe their birth to stress and hyper tension.
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