organic garden minerals - How Do I Fertilize My Organic Garden?
If you have ever wondered, 'How do I fertilize my organic garden?' then you are not alone. Most organic gardeners have difficulty in choosing the best fertilizers for their organic garden. However, if you know the type of available organic fertilizers then it will be easier to select the right product.
The first task is to identify the type of plant that you have. The next thing is to find out the organic fertilizer that is most suitable for this type of plant. Even if the fertilizer is prepared from organic materials, it is not necessary that it is suitable for all types of plants.
For the most part, there are three types of organic fertilizers that you can use for your organic garden.
These natural fertilizers include plant, animal and mineral-based fertilizers. Compost is the most common plant-based fertilizer which can be prepared easily with the locally available materials. In this type, there is a cotton seed meal fertilizer that provides a good source of potassium and nitrogen.
Corn gluten, soybean, seaweed and alfalfa meals are also beneficial for stimulating the growth of plants.
Animal-based fertilizers are obtained through animals, birds and fish. Most of these fertilizers are nitrogen rich and good for leafy plants. With this type of fertilizer, the most common is manure of animals.
You should avoid using fresh manure that can damage the tender roots and seeds. Bat guano fertilizer is a good alternative that you can purchase in pellet or powder form. Plants that need calcium and phosphorous can use bone meal fertilizers.
Different types of fish byproducts are used as fertilizers. In some cases, fish byproducts are blended with kelp or seaweed. Mineral-based fertilizers are obviously very good sources of minerals and nutrients. It helps plants receive calcium, phosphorous, sulfur, phosphate and other minerals.
When used properly, these minerals keep supplying micronutrients to the plant for years without any need for a second application. In some cases, it is necessary to first test the soil for pH level and use only the appropriate mineral-based fertilizers.
Organic fertilizers supply necessary micronutrients to plants. It helps improve soil fertility without contaminating the fruits and vegetables with traces of unwanted chemicals. Before you choose an organic fertilizer, you must know how a fertilizer is defined as organic or synthetic.
Organic fertilizers are generally derived from already decomposed or decomposing animal or plant remains. It may also be sourced from naturally mined materials that have generally not been put through processes like grinding, crushing or washing.
There are also local laws that clearly define what can be considered as organic fertilizer. In most areas, there are strict laws about the type of synthetic fertilizers that can be used because of the harmful effects these chemicals have on the groundwater.
Before buying any organic fertilizer, you must check that the container has the proper label. The detail must clearly state the level of nitrogen, potassium and phosphate in the product.
Depending on the type of fertilizer, the detail may also include percentage of other minerals and nutrients such as sulfur, magnesium and calcium.
You can easily find the answer to ' How to fertilize my organic garden ' by learning the available options of organic fertilizers. It is important to look for words like 'for use in organic garden' or 'natural organic' on the label.
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