วันอังคารที่ 16 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556

aeroponics growing system - Aeroponics Systems: How They Work and The Benefits

Aeroponics is a new method of quickly growing healthy plants. It is comparable to hydroponics, which is a way of growing plants without soil.

Water is also involved in Aeroponics systems, however, plants and roots are not immersed in water. Plants receive nutrients through a fine mist or spray. The main benefit of growing plants using aeroponic systems is a significant reduction in water and energy costs while escalating crop health and density.

How do Aeroponics Systems Work?

The basic method for growing plants using Aeroponics systems includes supporting plants in mid-air while nutrients are transported through mist or a liquid spray which is typically a nutrient-rich water solution. The growing environment is either semi-closed or closed from outside influences.

This helps in maintaining moisture and humidity from the spray mist which is applied onto the roots of the plants. Using a supportive structure, the tops of the plants, the crown and leaves, are separated from the root area.

As the plants grow bigger and bear some fruits, they may need higher support structures like a trellis.

There are three basic kinds of Aeroponics systems.

Some have a hydroponic backup which are useful in case of an emergency. These include the things below:

1. High-pressure units: These are more ideal for bigger gardening efforts; they make use of high-pressure pumps to transport the nutrient solution. These have improved technology for nutrient delivery and water sterilization and air purification.

2. Low-pressure units: These are good for small home bench gardening; they make sure of low-pressure drip style delivery system for nutrient solutions. Low-pressure units require attention in order to prevent the roots from drying out and the contamination of nutrient solution with disease-causing bacteria.

3. Commercial units: These suit well for very huge crop growing projects; they make use of high-pressure systems, data collection and advanced technology. These are larger, more extensive, and more costly. They have very high tech systems for disease and plant control, including sensors, timers, lighting, controls, and other maintenance system enhancement.

Each of the systems mentioned above is designed for gardeners or farmers to grow plants fast with reduced water and energy usage. Maintenance is fairly easy. Diseased plants could be identified quickly for disposal.

Benefits of Aeroponics Systems

1. improved control of pathogens and reduction of diseases 2. environmental advantages of savings in water and energy use 3. more plant density due to the disease-free environment

Click To Read More About aeroponics growing system

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